Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Having baby tatu

So you got your baby maybe in hospital about to give birth yo will need
baby boxed
skin if changing it
first aid kit green
when you rez baby you will be given a number please save it its very important

You've brought, given birth to your new baby tatu what now first dont panic
rez baby as yo would outher item copy to inventoy then wear.
get first aid kit rez press alife on baby go to heal press first aid kit will atomaticly heal baby look at stats see whats needed which ever stat is lowest get that up first by pressing baby go to alife then go to status will look at menus later.
Next once babies more or less settled  drag box of skin out of inventory DO NOT OPEN go to baby pree baby then press edit look for new skin press the press on box yo will be asked eye colour and skin go to eye colour first then skin then transfer.
Outfit you may of brought this from friend or store  go to baby go to edit press new clothes then press the box of clothes if from store if from friend you may need rex out fit first but both once this is done is the same  ones pressed new clothes in baby menu press the item it will automaticly go on to baby

When you press baby you will see this menu

Actions clothes family alife help edit
wakeup,sleep,put diaper , take diaper rock,burp,brestfeed,sholders, play, hold
shoes, pants,hat,blanket, shirt,neko ears,pacifier,skirt,neko tail
add familiar, list, rest list
Heal, speed, personality, status, xp
opens web browser
language, reset texture, ao, hud, update, version, new skin, umbilical cor, reset position, sex, name, new clothes,
So now go home take time with your baby remember if not looked after they will get very sick if yo uneed be away from computer put baby in hibernat cot and dont leave longer then five days alone.
Few more things you need to do all in the edit buton on baby menu again just press baby
Name your babys name
sex  male /female this will change the pacifier colour
umbillical  3 settings week1 week2 or off
Family this is very important you must add the person you are going to let hold your baby if yo udont yo will be messaged that your baby has been kidnapped dont let anyone hold the baby not on list.

If in the unlikely event yo uloose your baby dont panic go to the tatu store yo will see recovery machine follow instructions for this you need the number yo got when rezzed baby
type in number yo will get baby back in your arms put baby in inventory when you take baby out yo will get asked again tp out in number do so this should reset your lvl you were on though some stats may be low or all on 0 if so inject with the green first aid  yo umay have to inject few times depending on the baby dont worry yo can over inject.

1 comment:

  1. ok when i say edit i mean once you've pressed baby not on the build menu the babies have internal menu :)
